News reportage and analysis, criminal conspiracy investigations, general threat assessments and Information extractions from the memory hole. As well as insights and commentaries on the captive existence that we all experience currently as life under siege.

26 July, 2011

Rats on Radar

For probably the first time in history Israel's intelligence services are catching public relations hell and serious blowback on the internet. Ever since this synthetic Norway terror incident, nearly everywhere I turn, I see fingers pointing directly at the premier global false flag engineers. I am amazed and a bit awe-struck at the level of clarity and astute intelligence that I'm witnessing in the course of my web travels. I see internet sleuths digging hard and fast into the evidence and running background checks on Breivik and his Zionist connections. I see posters unearthing crimes long forgotten and uncovering connections once hidden and cold. For once the proper parties are on the radar which is great for the world because by doing that, you hem in their terror operations. This simple activism is saving peoples lives for now anyway, because like the arrogant shitmops they are, they'll reach a point where they don't give a toss who's on to them. For the mask will have dropped and their true, ugly face exposed for all the world to see. If everyone is scrutinising the guilty parties, then they can't very well run their false flags, terrorist incidents and the like without having someone call them out for it. This simple phenomenon and the truth about what and who they are is out of the bag now, people are seeing for themselves reality once hidden. The shadows are now well-lit and the rats can no longer do their demonic work with obscurity and strike without being noticed. Truly, they have no one to blame but themselves as desperation lashes them ever onward with one reckless, hasty and ill-conceived action after another.

No one buys the victim routine when they cry and scream it standing over dead bodies with blood-soaked hands and an Uzi tucked in their belt. You say you do it for self-preservation and security, but who protects us from you? How do nations preserve their citizens against your black ops, espionage and other blatant acts of war? Long gone are the days of that magnitude of gullibility and ignorance. So keep killing innocents, sniping children for fun, using banned white phosphorus on the defense-less and starving. Keep engineering terrorist massacres using pseudo-gangs and intel cut-outs, keep stealing passports to hide behind others while you do your crimes. Keep running Ecstasy, arms and sex slaves, persist in harvesting organs of the poor, the compromised and the victims of your war crimes. Don't worry about any competition because Pol Pot and Hitler combined got nothing on you, you're running head of the pack. You won. Too bad the grand prize is an international tribunal and a firing squad, or the long drop at the end of the hangman's rope. Not to worry either as all your friends, lackeys and willing accomplices will climb all over one another to rat you out to save themselves.

Do I seem a little pissed off? Yes, I am, and standing in the good company of millions of others, whom you casually rob, manoeuvre, exploit and kill with impunity to advance Zion, country and מקום לגור (lebensraum) whilst making a profit. We're fucking well tried of seeing ourselves and members of our global family spied on, harassed and harried, defiled, defamed and manipulated to further and serve your sick interests. We're good and bloody tired of watching you run about the world like a psychotic, racist brat who sets up terror sprees and assassinations when you don't get your way or feel your interests are threatened.

Excuse my rant, but I've seen one contrived terrorist affair too many, one mass slaughter with an engineered agenda too many and one fucking vile infestation of rats getting away with it for too long. There is simply too much sorrow, blood, tears, pain and loss inflicted incessantly one God damned planet, and I've the feeling that he's sitting this one out waiting for the world to stop screaming his name for help.

* Postscript - Before any conniving jackass seeks to distort this as some diatribe against Jews, allow me to short-circuit that little horseshit faster than a celebrity goes to rehab. This is about Zionist entities that live to serve an agenda and will use a Jewish person to advance it just as fast as they would anyone else. If you didn't glean that from the post you are either illiterate, cognitively retarded or an operative looking to concoct a bad-jacket. Furthermore, if you can't discern Jews from Zionists, then you probably can't distinguish between Italians and the Mafia nor Nazis from German people.

Those looking to educate themselves further on what this post is truly about need only go to a chap by the name of Jeff Goodall who wrote posted this great piece entitled: Israel: Agents, Assets and Sayanim

25 July, 2011

Man on a Mission: Anders Behring Breivik & the Norway Terror Op

Where have I seen this kind of posed picture from before?
Oh yes, now I remember.
65 years to date on 22, July 1946, the Israeli terrorist group Irgun bombed the King David Hotel with the intent to destroy documents and intelligence data on Israeli terrorist groups, their members and criminal activities collected by the British military/intelligence. Historically, numerous covert campaigns have been carried out that the anniversaries have macabre and suspiciously timed events occur. For example, domestic terror ops that occur in the U.S. during the month of April such as the OKC bombing, Columbine and the kill spree at Virginia Tech. Usually they are a sick homage to Hitler's birthday, the satanic Walpurgisnacht or Columbine. The one thing they all have in common is that they are of synthesised origin, engineered beyond the logistical capabilities of simple lone nuts. This time they used different type of patsy, a Eugenicist's ideal dream child, who could double as the centrefold for Der Stürmer.

On 29, June 2011 here: I foreshadowed that there was to be a false flag terror incident, so much so that I placed my international False Flag Warning System to Red. Though I didn't exclusively call this one it does classify as one nonetheless, and I will sadly inform you that this Norway incident is a conditioning lead up to one much larger and worse. I have advanced that it will occur sometime in September (the anniversary of 9/11 most likely) due to the propagated chatter coming from intelligence front groups and managed pseudo-gangs. There may even be another incident of this same magnitude again before then to exponentially amplify the fear/terror agenda into overdrive.
The Norway terror suspect Anders Behring Breivik is a self confessed  frimurerloge (Freemason). On 23, July 2011 I wrote the following reply at A13's brilliant blog Thirteenth Monkey "Well, considering that Norway's staunchly right-wing Progress party are vehement supporters of Israel and were the only party in Norway to support Israel's war on Gaza in 2008-2009, I would say that is one of the first places I would investigate as a terrorist staging ground, and possible centre of recruitment for the patsies in this attack would be this lot." Well, 24 hours later it has been officially confirmed that, Breivik was indeed a youth and adult member of the conservative Fremskrittspartiet (FrP) or Progress Party, according to the Norwegian newspaper VG. Now I'm not saying that it proves that Breivik was a sayan patsy working for the Mossad, but it is a good piece of evidence in that direction. In 7, October 2005 the BBC ran a story that reported: Karin Linstad, a pro-Palestinian activist and leading member of the Norwegian Palestine Committee was a double-agent for the Mossad. A book entitled War and Diplomacy, by Odd Karsten Tveit, is said to have revealed Ms. Linstad's role as a Mossad operative.
The latest in patsy chic.
In 15, November 2010, an article surfaced that stated the U.S had been discovered spying on the citizens of 5 Scandinavian countries including Norway. The U.S.were accused of illegally spying on hundreds of people in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. Officials in the five countries expressed their unhappiness at the surveillance tactics that were conducted without the knowledge of the individual nations' governments. Specifically, the U.S. Embassy in Norway was named and directly accused of espionage. The exposure manifested as early as November 3, when the Norwegian media outlet TV2 screened a report stating that a group of U.S. agents has been surveilling 15 to 20 Norwegians for 10 years, mostly at various rallies. It stated suspects were photographed, with the information then sent on to Washington, allegedly to prevent terrorist attacks against U.S. embassies.

The MSM reporting is rancid with Zionist manipulations, as they all are lockstep branding Breivik as a Neo-Nazi in much the similar vein as Lee Harvey Oswald was jacketed as a Communist. Breivik very well might be, but the language being used on him seems strategically poisonous and a bit contrived to say the least. Frankly, it stinks like a classic black ops patsy setup. This includes the sudden appearance of an over 1,500 page manifesto entitled “A European Declaration of Independence", that was alleged to have been published on the day of the attack itself. On it Breivik used a pen-name alias of Andrew Berwick from London UK dated 2011.

Part of Breivik's manifesto was taken almost word for word from the first few pages of the anti-technology manifesto written by "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski. It was also conveniently published in English as well as his native language, but it is unknown at this time whether it was originally written in English though it reads so. Throughout the scripted screed which rails on about a Muslim scourge is the familiar anti-muslim diatribe that could be found in your typical Zionist agit-prop. In fact, it reads very much like the Cliff notes of a Rothschild Mein Kampf 2.0.
The Terrorist Ken doll with Zio-Fascist Grip
The casualty total so far stands at 93 dead, with 30 wounded in the bomb blast, with 67 more wounded in the mass shooting. From this we are to gullibly accept that one fucking bloke acting alone, and without any military training or experience, carried out this much co-ordinated mayhem completely on his own. Of course people willing to believe this level of tripe also must be convinced that the film Rambo was a documentary. One reason for the high lethality in the shooting victims was the use of unconventional ammunition. Dr. Colin Poole, head of surgery at Ringriket Hospital in Honefoss northwest of Oslo, told The Associated Press that the gunman used special bullets designed to disintegrate inside the body and cause maximum internal damage. Poole said surgeons treating 16 gunshot victims have recovered no full bullets. There are also an uncorroborated report from an eyewitness stating that the gunman was talking into a headset during the commission of the shooting massacre.

Note also, that Norwegian police took almost 90 minutes to respond after reports that the gunman/gunmen began firing on the victims. The shooter(s) killing spree on Utøya island lasted for 1.5 hours, and Norwegian Beredskapstroppen (BT) were summoned after a 50 minute lapse of time had passed, then finally arriving a full 40 minutes later. Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim stated that the BT tac-teams were dispatched after 50 minutes then it took 20 minutes to drive to the lake and another 20 minutes to secure a boat to take them to the island. Here's the problem with this scenario, because Beredskapstroppen has two Rigid-hulled inflatable boats. This model has three engines with a total motor power capacity of 675 HP. For air transport Beredskapstroppen uses a military Bell 412 SP from the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF). So from this evidence it suggests that this terror spree was allowed to progress to produce a high casualty rate.

Another red-herring piece of information is that 48 hours before the Oslo/Utøya island terror attack, the Oslo Police carried out an anti-terror drill. Apparently police were conducting a covert bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House. Then just 48 hours later a terrorist bomb blast hits a government building in the Norwegian capital. What are the odds of that? If you also recall drills of this nature were also carried out during 7/7 and during 9/11. Why? because drills make the best cover for big black ops terrorism. Especially when there are un-informed participants and patsies who are unaware it's actually real until it's too late, and that the "drill" has suddenly gone live in all aspects.

The ever-lying media are also propagating that Breivik does not have a military background, and despite Norway's mandatory military service. They are claiming that he has an exemption which can only be obtained if one declares they are a pacifist or for medical reasons. However, I'm also sure the exemption can also be obtained through intelligence intervention or through economic means of bribery. If we are to accept the ever-morphing official story we must believe that a lone nut with an assault rifle, a rifle and handgun and planted explosive ordnance, carried out a mass shooting single-handedly that would make an SAS strike-team look like first recruits. We must also believe (according to his back-story and manifesto) that he is a self-declared neo-Knights Templar on a collective crusade to purge Europe of all Marxist and Muslim influences. How does he accomplish this 'Great Work'? By targeting and gunning down innocent youth and adults who just so happen to be fiercely anti-Zionist as well as vocal advocates for war crimes trials and boycotts for Israel. That makes sense doesn't it? Sort of like declaring that you hate Russians and then summarily jumping up and lethally attacking your own family.

One telling entry in his manifesto read "Will attempt to initiate contact with cell 8b and 8c in late March," which seems to signify that he was not working alone, nor was he the leader.

Below are but a few key points that made Norway a specific black ops target for Israel:

• "Norway backs Palestinian bid for UN recognition in September" - July 21, 2011

• "Norway Announces Withdrawal From Libya Campaign by Aug 1" - June 10, 2011

• In autumn 2011 it is expected that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will bring the matter od Palestinian statehood to the UN. Where he will officially ask for UN membership and recognition of a Palestinian state within the borders before the 1967 war, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

• Norway is a major donor to the Palestinians and express that they are prepared to recognise its statehood. They chair a group of countries that meets regularly to coordinate financial aid for the Palestinians.

• The day previous to the terrorist incident,on Thursday 21, July 2011, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store visited Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya. There he was met with demands from the Workers' Youth League (AUF) that Norway must recognise a Palestinian state and a unilateral economic embargo imposed on Israel from the Norwegian side. The AUF summer camp attracts some of the brightest and most ambitious members of the Labour Party’s next generation, so the massacre means a huge loss to the party’s future.

• Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway on Monday 18, July 2011.

• The terror blast also specifically damaged the Oil Ministry, which caught fire. If you recall, on 23, August 2010, Norway's Ministry of Finance announced that the Norway Oil Fund dumped their investments in the Israeli companies Africa-Israel Investments and Danya Cebus Ltd. According to the newspaper Dagbladet, police at the scene say the bombing attack appears to have been directed against the Department of Oil and Energy.

A report alleges that the same fuel/fertiliser composition used in the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal building explosion were also used in the Oslo bombing. This is interesting, because if a fertiliser explosive was used, it was as a distraction to draw the police and emergency teams to that direction. A diversion much like the planes were used in 9/11 to distract from placed charges going off in the building below. It is standard operating procedure (SoP) in black ops bomb terrorism and assassinations to use a diversions to carry out missions (see the Benazir Bhutto assassination for an illustrative example).

In the case of the Oklahoma City bombing the explosives used in the actual explosion proved to be of the Semtex/plastique variety placed at the base or actually on the building columns. According to blast effects tests conducted at the Wright Laboratory in Eglin Air Force Base, the Eglin Test Structure (ETS) data indicated that "The damage to the Murrah Federal building is consistent with damage resulting from mechanically coupled devices placed locally within the structure...". They also further stated that "due to the lack of symmetrical damage pattern at the Murrah building, it would be inconsistent with the results of the ETS test one, to state that all of the damage to the Murrah building is the result of the truck bomb". Why do I impart this information? Because, the M.O. is the same in the Norwegian terror bombing case, and displays evidence of either similar training or group of perpetrators. The Murrah Federal building attack also has at least one known hint of Mossad involvement in the character named Andreas Carl Strassmeier. 

On 4, April 2011 A.P. of the Twelth Bough ran down the following information ( "Elohim City was used as a paramilitary training ground. It had a runway. The head of security was Andreas Strassmeir. Strassmeir spoke fluent Hebrew and according to the London Times, he also had a Jewish girlfriend in the IDF." Elohim (Hebrew for God by the by) City was said to be the staging/training area for the alleged perpetrators of the Murrah building attack. Now I don't know about you but how many alleged Neo-Nazi's with direct ties to German intelligence do you know who have Israeli girlfriends in the IDF who speak English, German and Hebrew? Seems to be the exact qualifications for a double-agent cover in the Mossad for sure. You know how Israeli women just can't wait to shag off with a Neo-Nazi, which is the kind of rubbish that we're supposed to gleefully digest and just walk away with.


I was going to cover Breivik's affiliations and self-professed declarations of love for Zionism and Israel, but A13 at Thirteenth Monkey beat me to it. Please go to her site for that very critical angle of which she covered admirably,

*Update 2!*

I just wrote up a new post with some new updates and valuable information on the Norway massacre and some revealing background on the psychopath Breivik. Check it below:

04 July, 2011

Phenomenal Work

Greetings all, I've just discovered a bang-on, brilliant presentation that you absolutely must see. Three hours of perhaps the most concise and thorough video on 9/11, the Oklahoma bombing false flag and Israeli espionage and terrorist participation. If you, or perhaps someone you are edifying on the realities of the world, want to be brought up to speed on the engineering of these false flags, I implore you to watch this video. Guaranteed that you will learn and see evidence that you've never seen nor heard before on these crimes.

You may say to yourself "Come on already HHQ, for fuck's sake, I'm burned out and tired of hearing about this 9/11 stuff already!" I am much the same way, but I am very glad I chose to invest the time. I think what is tiring about the whole affair is that there are so many contrary and competing theories, not to mention strategically introduced disinformation that one just gets done-in from the information overload and sorting. Also, the great number of us already know the principal parties behind staging 9/11 and other false flags globally and are frustrated and enraged that they will die contented old men and women without ever seeing the end of the hangman's rope.

This video is different however, as Ryan Dawson has put a Spartan amount of work into breaking all of this down, researching and then compiling corroborative videos, and presenting outstanding and genuinely startling evidence. Judge for yourself and feel free to share in the comments section below.

Excellent presentation from the tenacious Ryan Dawson of

Cheers, much respect and a crisp salute to Mr. Ryan Dawson for this outstanding work!

03 July, 2011

A Powerful Poignancy

Dropping this song out to the massive, because I really feel this song sums up things as they are in relation to truth activists and the current environment. I don't believe the song has to do with any sort of nationalist celebration, nor callow rag on a stick worship. It seems to tell a much different tale, as in a dark, brooding and unflinching gaze into the looking glass and beyond. What future? What destiny lies before us and how much of it do we actually control or cowardly give up? These questions the song seems to openly ponder. The lyrics to me belie a sense of wonder at a burgeoning menace, with a foreboding, yet sentimental remembrance of poignant memories of the great things in life.

What's your take on it?

Soundgarden - 4th of July

Shower in the dark day
Clean sparks diving down
Cool in the waterway
Where the baptized drown
Naked in the cold sun
Breathing life like fire
Thought I was the only one
But that was just a lie

Cause I heard it in the wind
And I saw it in the sky
And I thought it was the end
And I thought it was the 4th of July

Pale in the flare light
The scared light cracks & disappears
And leads the scorched ones here
And everywhere no one cares
The fire is spreading
And no one wants to speak about it
Down in the hole
Jesus tries to crack a smile
Beneath another shovel load

And I heard it in the wind
And I saw it in the sky
And I thought it was the end
And I thought it was the 4th of July

Now I'm in control
Now I'm in the fall out
Once asleep but now I stand
And I still remember
Your sweet everything
Light a Roman candle
And hold it in your hand

Cause I heard it in the wind
And I saw it in the sky
And I thought it was the end
And I thought it was the 4th of July