Egyptian Protest Flyer |
It's been quite confusing set of affairs sorting out this business in Egypt, these past weeks. Clearly, there's a lot of conflicting information to take in which in turn takes a lot more effort to discern fact from fiction. Here's some recent highlights I have collected for the investigatory table in the interests of common edification and discussion.
• According to very compelling evidence and sudden military movements in the region, the Sinai Peninsula seems to be the ultimate target and prize for Israel. The agenda seems to be the following:
1) To militarily conquer, occupy and secure the Sinai peninsula, and cut off Gaza from a key international aid reception point.
2) To obviously take the region and plunder out all the natural and mineral resources for Israel.
3) To use this new crusade to as an opportunity to manipulate it as some sort of nonsensical 'Biblical prophesy', and generate increased support from the Christian Zionists. Illustrated here: In describing God's covenant with Abraham, Genesis 15:18 reads: "To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates." Even more ominously, Moses announces to the Jews in Deuteronomy 11:24, that "Every place where you set the soles of your feet shall be yours. Your borders shall run from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River, the river Euphrates, to the western sea." It appears that the Bible is not a religious book, it's a 'holy' blueprint for land theft according to Zionist Israel.
• Within the past few days US warships have been dispatched to the waters off the Egyptian coast. The USS Kearsarge, an amphibious assault ship carrying 700 to 800 troops from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, and the USS Ponce have arrived in the Red Sea. Under the guise of US citizen evacuations, they await orders following some false-flag op to invade and take the Sinai peninsula. Both ships are transports, facilitating not only rapid troop deployments on shores, but also the deployment of tanks, trucks, artillery, and the complete logistic support needed to supply an assault. Where is the UN in all this? Like a lifeless puppet, they lay asleep at the board, awaiting the hand of their puppeteer Israel to slip up their back and return them to scripted obeisant action.

• In a rather righteous turn-about, Egyptian journalist Shahira Amin, resigned from her job at state-run Nile TV. She told Al Jazeera "I quit my job because I don't want to be part of the state propaganda regime, I am with the people. I feel liberated and relieved. I have quit my job and joined the people in Tahrir Square. It's not often, if ever that a media personality quits rather than furthers propaganda and her statements in an interview with Mark Colvin of ABC PM reveals quite a lot. Shahira reported:
"Actually it was a spur of the moment decision. I was on my way to work as normal yesterday morning and I had to pass very near Tahrir Square and I heard the chants of the protesters. You know my heart felt so heavy because I've been under tension these past few days. The fact that we weren't able to cover the story, we weren't even allowed to go to Tahrir Square to see what's happening and this is history in the making in my country.
This is happening in my own backyard and I felt that my hands were tied because we were clearly instructed not to go and the only story we were covering were the pro-Mubarak rallies that were taking place, totally ignoring what was happening in Tahrir. So I just felt suffocated as a journalist. I felt like, you know, I was in a close space that was closing in on me and I decided to get out of the car and walk into Tahrir Square and spend the day there and I sent my boss a message saying I wouldn't be back in that building again." She further stated, "Over the past few days we were basically either covering the pro-Mubarak rallies or interviewing officials or reading out press releases from the Interior Ministry which were questionable. On the very first day the press release from the Interior Ministry said that these protests had been organised by the Muslim Brotherhood which wasn't the case.
You know as well as I do that it was the young activists, the internet users, the 6th of April Movement and the We Are All Khaled Saeed Group which is named after the young man from Alexandria who was brutally beaten to death by police, Khaled Saeed.
So these were the organisers and they're the ones who have been in Tahrir Square making very legitimate demands. They showed us the way, these young people. They're very inspirational. They have the courage and resilience and I wanted to follow their lead."
When approached for a personal comment, Dan Rather was afternoon napping and Anderson Cooper was shopping L.L. Bean for accessories that go smartly with covert espionage under the cover of journalism. Taking the piss here a bit, but not by much according to Radar Online.com — "Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency's monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper's CIA involvement to Radar". Maybe that explains why he was punched straight in the head and run out during the uprising? Much like the Mafia or Zionism, once you're in intelligence, you're in. You may not be an agent, but you well sure are considered a lifelong asset.

• Concerted attempts to co-opt, hijack and subvert the momentum and will of the Egyptian masses is happening with escalating ploys. According to an Uruknet article, the Muslim Brotherhood is a contrived organisation who have played a double-agent role of fake opposition. From their inception in 1928 they have been collaborators with colonial and neo-colonial regimes. Their mission is to absorb organic movements, divert their voice, rage and goals and transform burgeoning empowerment to impotent, externally moderated submission. Their presence at the recent talks with Egyptian Vice-President and head of Egyptian Intelligence Omar Suleiman is a fairly transparent move to re-establish their legitimacy and solidify a key position within the new proposed regime. They will become much like a Palestinian Authority, an artificially created group created to accommodate the wishes of Israel, while subverting dissent, legitimate demands and progressive self-determination. Suleiman is a documented torturer, who has long been a friend of Israeli, US and UK intelligence and even used his position to host CIA 'extraordinary renditions'. He is now being groomed by the Triad of Evil (Israel-US-UK) to be the newly installed leader of Egypt. Suleiman and his foreign handlers are desperately trying to rush him into power to restore the massive amounts of money being lost daily in the Egyptian economy and the predatory profit loss in the international community. To give you some idea, economists have estimated that Egypt's economy is losing at least $310 million dollars daily due to the Egyptian Intifada. That gives you some idea of the fire and haste to have this all wrapped up and back under their control, through any and all means.
What was to be revolutionary change is fast being undermined to manifest nothing more than a lateral regime change run by proxy through a triad of the US/UK and Israel. However, the long-suffering people of Egypt are proving both resilient and steadfastly clever in resisting attempts both internally and externally to co-opt their movement. They are standing fast to their demands of an immediate ouster of Mubarak and their unconditional demands for freedom.
As the war for Egyptian freedom is waged, Triad military forces are making efforts to isolate the nation geographically. In the Sinai peninsula, Egyptian troops have been deployed far to the border of Sinai and Gaza. How have the Gazan's responded? PressTV reported on February 5th that, "Over the last three days, Gazans have been giving food to Egyptian soldiers isolated on the Gaza border since the beginning of the popular revolution. Underground tunnels, which were used to bring basic goods from Egypt into the Gaza Strip, are now working in the opposite direction.
Egyptian soldiers, who have been isolated on the Gaza border for the past 10 days, due to the internal upheaval, are getting bread, canned food and other supplies from the impoverished coastal enclave through the tunnels.
Gaza's merchants have also been sending vegetables, eggs and other staples into Egypt, where store owners have run out of stock because normal supplies are cut off by the unrest, Ha'aretz reported Friday.
Since 2006, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have resorted to the so-called feeding tubes to deliver their basic needs to the enclave which has been sealed off by an Israeli blockade. Rafah is the main entry and exit post between Egypt and the coastal enclave."
In further breaking news, it appears that the Sudan has been Balkanised much the way Viet Nam was, by being divided into northern and southern regions. The timing seem particularly unusual as for years the UN and the international community seemed to be quite disaffected by the Sudanese killing one another while certain countries profited from the Eugenic destruction. Aid, arms flowed like water into the country and foreign covert manipulations played out in the Sudan while the world just watched the genocidal parade. Then suddenly out of the blue, hostilities subside, and the UN springs to life and endorses the secession referendum. With the US following up fast with a formal recognition of Southern Sudan as an independent state in July 2011. Divide and conquer clearly lives on as it is the quickest way to neutralise nations that are deemed threats. You can best bet to see AFRICOM strategically place military troops on "peacekeeping duty" which will include stationing on the Sudanese/Egyptian border. Got to head them off at the pass so to speak and keep Egypt properly cordoned off for the planned transition.