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Image credit to whatreallyhappened.com |
Always remember that NO organic insurgency group EVER terrorises and murders the very masses they are allegedly trying to gain sympathy and support from. This is the telling mark that separates bands of government lackeys from genuine revolutionaries. This is a pattern that will never change and they think us all too stupid to be able to see through it. One by one the resource-rich nations of the world become their prey, and if they find your country of strategic value soon the predatory triad will discover terror cells and groups in your country. If not, then they'll simply fund and create or unleash them there, or perhaps stage a very expedient false flag terror incident against the indigenous populace.
Much has been discussed about the recent Westgate Mall false flag attack in Kenya this past week. So I thought I'd throw the evidence I've collected on the table too to try and suss the whys and wherefores as well. Below are some of the interesting facts and evidentiary tributaries about this case. I'll add more as I uncover it and please feel free to contribute anything of value in the comments section.
- The obvious MI-6 connected "White Widow" Samantha Lewthwaite leading this intel cut-out group Al-Shabaab is one avenue worth examining. Such a hearty professional that she somehow evades capture once Westgate Mall is re-secured by security services. Obviously if this happened, on-site Israeli intelligence and security services must have played a large part in affecting not only her escape but also key members of this pseudo-gang Al-Shabaab. Lewthwaite, has been wanted in Kenya for some time for the reported possession of a forged South African passport. Bottom line is that the same triad of culprits responsible for orchestrating and carrying out 9/11, 7/7, Mumbai and others, pulled this false flag off — the Mossad, MI-6 and the CIA/DIA. Here's a bit of evidence towards that direction from the Kenyan Daily Nation on 22, September 2013. The article reports that foreign security officials -- from Israel as well as the United States and Britain -- were also seen at the complex throughout the drama. Forensic experts from Israel, the United States and United Kingdom have joined the Kenyan team in carrying out analysis at Westgate mall. One has to wonder whether this alliance has more to do with collecting and sanitising inconvenient evidence and supplanting it with proof that advances the official narrative.
The enigmatic Ms. Samantha Lewthwaite, aka Natalie Faye, aka the media-dubbed "White Widow" as depicted in her false identity passport
- As reported by the International Business Times, crack unit of Israeli commandos was airlifted to Kenya as soon as the Westgate Mall siege began, as Nairobi invoked a secret security pact between the two countries under which Jerusalem guarantees military assistance should the Kenyan government be threatened by a foreign force. In Israel, a senior defence official said there were no Israeli forces participating in an assault, but the official said it was possible that Israeli advisers were providing assistance. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing a classified military issue, would not elaborate.
Officials in the Israeli foreign ministry said that three Israeli citizens that were in the mall at the time of the attack were able to escape unharmed and were collected by the Deputy Israeli Ambassador to Kenya Yaki Lopez and the embassy security officer that were present on the scene (interesting and convenient eh?). Seems that if you're ever unfortunate enough to be caught in a false flag terror incident, the best plan of action is to find yourself the nearest group of Israelis.
A French Huffington Post article dated 24, September 2013 entitled "Attentat de Nairobi: le Kenya et l'Afrique de l'Est, une zone stratégique pour Israël", had some particularly revealing information on the "special relationship" between Kenya and Israel. In it was stated: "Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea are three key countries for Israel because they serve as a buffer in a region that sees Islamic fundamentalism making great strides," said Galia Sabar, director of the African Studies Department at University of Tel Aviv. Ethiopia (with which Israel maintains excellent relations illustrated in particular by the immigration of Ethiopian Jews held by Israel) and Eritrea border the Red Sea, an economically and strategically important for Israel access, says Galia Sabar.
"The Horn of Africa is important for Israel's economic interests, including trade with Asia via the Red Sea," said Eli Karmon also a researcher at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Research Herzliya, north Tel Aviv.On-site Israeli "advisor" making sure that only the right "terrorists" are targeted and their assets are allowed to evade capture
- Previous to the attack, a field-op stash point was created and warehoused within an empty shop at the Westgate Mall. Changes of clothes (civilian attire), weapons (including powerful belt-fed machine guns), grenades, rocket-propelled grenades and other materiel were all stored there waiting for this state-sponsored gang of terrorists to run this black op. The shooters were set up and well prepared in advance with collusion from an inside party or parties, directly affiliated with the owners/management of the mall. Initial reports indicate that the perpetrators had prior access to the building and monitored Westgate for more than three months before Saturday's attack
- Much like Sandy Hook, revealing CCTV and security footage from in and around Westgate Mall camera footage has been confiscated and suppressed. This critical footage is reported to contain CCTV clips revealing the well organised attackers moving from floor to floor and firing on crowds of shoppers. It is said that the attackers took up strategic positions on the roof, stairs and in the CCTV control room from where they surveilled the security services response to the attack. Unlike the blatant cover-up at Sandy Hook however, there are plenty of images available of the murdered, bloodied survivors and pictures of the mall damage.
- The fact that Kenyan police intelligence and services were tipped off in advance that this mall terrorist incident was to occur is telling. Two NIS (National Intelligence Services) officers who did not want their identities revealed yesterday told the Star that their organisation had given advance warning of the attack to Inspector General of Police Service David Kimaiyo and Criminal Investigations Department director Ndegwa Muhoro. They also claimed that some senior officers within the Office of the President should be investigated for “suppressing” intelligence reports.
- It has also emerged that a policewoman has recorded a statement after her brother who works for the NIS warned her not to visit Westgate on Saturday because of an impending attack. The NIS officer is being sought for interrogation. The pregnant policewoman regularly went window shopping in Westgate on Saturdays. "She has told police that her brother who is a NIS officer warned her not to visit Westgate that Saturday because she would not be able to run with her bulging tummy," a senior officer involved in the investigation said yesterday. The policewoman was picked up from her home on Tuesday night and taken to CID headquarters on Kiambu road where she was interrogated for four hours before being allowed to go home.
- An unnamed police doctor who has been summoned and deployed to the Westgate Mall has reported that the "terrorists" had tortured their victims before killing them. He was quoted as saying, "Those are not allegations. Those are fucking truths. They removed balls (testicles?), eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child's body. Actually if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped [off] by pliers."
- Nairobi Senator Gidion Mbuvi Sonko has accused the National Intelligence Service of culpability in Saturday’s Westgate attack. Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has accused the National Intelligence Service of culpability in Saturday’s Westgate attack. Sonko said he had then furnished NIS with information detailing the escapades of the suspected terrorists. He claimed two women came to his office and informed him of some foreigners who were planning to attack shopping malls and key buildings in Nairobi. “The women told me the terrorists were living with them in Parklands and Westlands,” Mr Mbuvi said. “The women told me they were being mistreated and threatened with grenades and guns. They said the foreigners had been in Nairobi for three months”. He said he was told the National Assembly, the KICC where the Senate sits, and Village Market in Gigiri were also targets. Sonko claimed he took the women to intelligence officials, but nothing was done.
- Throughout the siege and attack, the Westgate Mall kill-team utilised the US based Twitter to communicate and broadcast their rubbish. As soon as Twitter discovered their accounts they were shut down only to have more spring up almost instantly. This belies that this was not only premeditated but that contingencies were planned for to ensure this groups propaganda went out exactly as scheduled. For example, a few months ago Al-Shabaab members even emailed journalists with a new account after it was suspended for breaching Twitter guidelines, which ban threats of violence. It specifically urged reporters to follow their new account(s).
- Physical evidence at the Westgate crime scene has been extremely compromised if not outright obliterated, as floors have been collapsed due to reported explosions that caused significant structural damage to the mall. Kenyan authorities rather suspiciously attempted to explain that the destruction instead was caused by "mattress fires" set by the militants. Apparently they must have consulted the same wankers in the US government who proffered that the Twin Towers were terminally weakened structurally by airplane petrol. I guess that any time now Rudy Giuliani or his equivalent in Kenya will step in and order the evidence-rich rubble to be conveniently whisked away from investigative eyes.
- It has since emerged that Sony Holding Limited, a real estate company led by Israeli Alex Trajtenberg, insured Westgate Shopping Mall through UK’s Lloyd’s market for about Sh6.6 billion. According to the Business Daily of Kenya (27, Sept. 2013 article "Westgate insurer faces Sh6.6 billion compensation bill"), the insurance deal specifically included a cover against political violence where acts of terrorism fall. Mr. Trajtenberg declined to comment on the matter. Alas, another smoking gun very reminiscent of Larry Silverstein's little murderous insurance fraud on 9/11. If you need any confirmation that this was a pre-planned false flag synthetic terror incident, it's right here. Keep in mind also, that the Westgate Mall was built by the Westfield Group in 2007. Now what you may not know, is that the Westfield Group was owned by Frank Lowy, who alongside Larry Silverstein made billions from the 9/11 synthetic terrorist attacks.
- There are now emerging reports that the Al-Shabaab kill-team evaded capture completely by escaping via an underground tunnel through a sewer which runs several metres from the Westgate Mall to the neighbouring Nakummatt Ukay Mall. Now there is no security service on earth that can be so inept and moronic to have not obtained the blueprints of the mall when running their response contingencies. Professional tactical response training internationally teaches that the first order of business when entering a hostage situation is that you obtain blueprint data and know every possible entrance and exit to that structure. Then next you have your snipers or tac response members secure those locations. Secret, unchallenged escapes are the kind of rubbish is only depicted in the cinema. If this tunnel were left unsecured, then the orders came from knowledgeable tactical commanders who omitted the information of its existence. No matter how it occurred, it leaves one to a single remaining conclusion, and that is the perpetrators were allowed to escape!
Make sure that you check out Aangirfan's coverage on this black op here: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/09/mall-attackers-helped-by-military.html and here: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/09/mall-attack-whistleblowers.html
Also be sure to check out Penny's two-part coverage on this false flag here: http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/2013/09/kenya-westgate-mall-shabab-and-israel.html and here: http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/2013/09/pt-2-kenya-westage-mall-seige-ends-with.html