Greetings to all, for my first post I thought I'd make it a positive one and run up a profile of a favourite band of mine, Killing Joke. For those who know of them, their legacy and impact goes unsaid, however if you have not experienced their sound and fury, you have been truly missing out. They are amongst the very few musical artists who have remained absolutely true to mission after many years. Through their 31 year history and diverse musical changes, they have endured and reflected contemporary, apocalyptic life. Their goal has always been to deliver the message first, and it is that level of integrity that exudes from the music and sets them well apart from the rest. Killing Joke, has a powerfully original, distinct sound and presence. Their music charged with a decidedly essential, progressive English character and comradeship, yet universal in scope and range.

They first began as a punk band, then moved quickly in to a diverse, tribal rhythm that goes from definitively heavy and primal, to insightful and profound. Their sound is driven, with lyrics infused with wit, insight and incisive social commentary. Their guitarist Kevin 'Geordie' Walker is phenomenal, and the dynamo of the ensemble, producing a scintillatingly electric signature sound large as life. Then you have the driving, thunderous intensity of Martin 'Youth' Glover whose cunning bass lines stoke the fire of the ensemble. 'Big Paul' Ferguson unleashes fiercely heavy, reverberative percussions. As for Killing Joke's heart? There can be none other except the brilliant frontman Jeremy 'Jaz' Coleman. Of whom there is neither equal nor comparison, in terms of lyrical sincerity, theatrical deliverance and acuity of vision. His proficient vocal stylings run the gamut from emotive poignancy, to utter feral ferocity, with spot on characterisations that manifest their songs to life. In totality, Killing Joke is an organic force, who use their music as an inspirational weapon, a fierce war-cry and clarion call to all who heed.
So what's their view on current state of the world? From an 2003 interview featured in Blistering magazine, Jaz stated: "We should be free to do what we the hell we want to do. I don’t like this corporate world we live in. We’re out of line with it in Killing Joke. We are really out of line with this. I don’t like the fact that corporate giants such as Lockheed-Martin and Boeing are determining American farm policies. The corporate world is mentioned in one of the lines on the new album; ‘Five corporations earn more than forty-six nations’ (From ‘Blood On Your Hands’). I find it offensive. I’m very curious to see what will happen in the world now. Will we continually be giving the public servants and the greedy people the Vaseline and allow them to ream us up the ass? Are we just going to accept it? I don’t know. It’s a really depressing state of affairs. I feel angry about the situation. I think politically in the world, we’ve been had. I think we’ve been turned into economic slaves.”
If any band were to be known as one who unflinchingly reveals harsh realities, in the tradition of the Truth movement, it is them. In their latest CD endeavour entitled Absolute Dissent, the epic title track shouts out sheer defiance to the fascist encroachment:
Absolute Dissent
Absolute Dissent
I won't relent
I oppose poison water
I reject poison air
I expose poison bodies
I refuse complicity
I reject this prison planet
I reject and resent
Absolute Dissent
I won't relent
I abhor space weaponisation - Genocidal plans
From Jekyll Island to Chemtrails
Unelected control
I reject this poison planet
I reject and resent
Absolute Dissent
I won't relent
Brainwashed masses fit for fodder
Useless eaters - Condemn
Eradicate the worthless breeders
I oppose, resist, foment
I reject this poison planet
I reject and resent
Absolute Dissent
I won't relent
Their following song 'The Great Cull' exposes Eugenic depopulation and a world engineered into hellish Malthusian conditions by the likes of Monsanto (Monsanto feed, Monsanto seed… All the bees are dying). Check it below:
The Great Cull
Thomas Malthus, Eugenics
Are alive and kicking
Nutrients and vitamins
Extract from edible goods
Legislate, sick populations
A higher rate of mortality
Food code (as it's known)
Codex Alimentarius
Thin the herd, thin the herd,
The great cull is coming down...
Develop virus market cure
Exploit the panic
Contaminate by guile and stealth
A quick strum of the harp
Depopulate initiate
Pharmaceutical companies
All fall down, all fall down
Codex Alimentarius
Thin the herd, thin the herd
The great cull is coming down...
Most of us must die...
Instigate wars in population density centres
Maintain population below 500 million
Immunise, irradiate
Deregulate all toxins
Monsanto feed, Monsanto seed
All the bees are dying
Depopulation in every nation
Follow the food code
All fall down, all fall down
Codex Alimentarius
Thin the herd, thin the herd
The great cull is coming down...
During their live performances Jaz has spoken out passionately on the murders of David Kelly and Princess Diana, Israel's war criminality and the criminal conspiracy of international bankers. In the song 'Dark Forces' from their self-titled 'Killing Joke' (2003), Jaz hisses the demonaic personage of an "elite" sociopath with:
Dark Forces
You'll need a bit of holy water
and a little bit of knowledge
to your Holy Guardian Angel
the Great Evil Around
God gave man dominion
over fowls of the air
and the fish of the sea
of desecration
Who wrote this MADNESS?
Get up! Wake up!
Some-one´s taking you for a ride!
Get up! Wake up!
Dark Forces!
They're printing up money
that doesn't exist
Then watch the wealthy
as they cash their chips
Economy's failed
start a war machine
devoid of moral cause
as we witness the end
of international laws
Get up! Wake up!
Some-one´s taking you for a ride!
Get up! Wake up!
Dark Forces!
I'm an inside man
of the serpent clan
33 degrees
I'll do as I please
power for powers sake
a personal treasure trove
and 2 weeks off
in bohemian grove...
You wanna come?
All the banking houses
that buy and sell
they'd sell their own mother
just eat shit die
like everyone else
Get up! Wake up!
Some-one´s taking you for a ride!
Get up! Wake up!
Dark Forces!
Get up! Wake up!
Some-one´s taking you for a ride!
Get up! Wake up!
Dark Forces!
Killing Joke is above all is a thinking and feeling people's band who provide a soundtrack to life that resonates with an utter conviction and vibrant purpose that stirs the noble warrior in us all. Their song titles alone provide insight into exactly where they stand and the subjects they explore. Here's but a small sampling:
Another Bloody Election
Absolute Dissent
The Great Cull
Money is Not Our God
Fresh Fever from the Skies
Dark Forces
You'll Never Get to Me
Total Invasion
The Death & Resurrection Show
Another Cult Goes Down
Follow the Leaders
Empire Song
Age of Greed
You're Being Followed
Jaz Coleman of Killing Joke |
Do yourself a favour, drop whatever you're doing and introduce their vibrant soundtrack into your life. They are the finest band of spirit, fire, integrity and intelligence you're not listening to. Look for their new album tentatively entitled '2012', unleashed this April 2, 2012. The lads are solidly committed and put forth sterling effort to bring this one about, so be sure to give a listen, read and heed their words, and purchase a copy to support their mission. Their new album promises to be bang-on top shelf, and the upcoming song titles are as follows:
1.Pole Shift
2.Fema Camp
4.Colony Collapse
5.Corporate Elect
6.In Cythera
10. On All Hallow’s Eve
If you are lucky enough to live near where they are playing whilst on tour this year, by all means make due effort to go. Their sincerity and power will change you and reignite the fire of life within you. This is not just a band, it is a force of power, a living entity they harness and unleash to breathe life and light in a landscape of drudge, despair, subjugation, horror and death.
* UPDATE 4 APRIL, 2012!! *
Please see my latest post here for some new and shocking revelations about Killing Joke
It appears that I as well as many fans of their music, were duped by these lads who fancy at playing both sides. Throwing their lot in with worshipping the same demonic forces the self-dubbed "elite" do. I do believe that their actions behind the scenes qualify as those of a quintessential double-agent.