In the course of criminal research and investigation, its twists and turns takes you to, and through, many different avenues whilst in your quest for evidence and the core truth. You sift through many sources with an open mind and well-trained eyes, paying strict attention to details that can either be overlooked or missed in haste. I suss out every viable source and lead no matter who and where the source, if there's merit to it and it cross-corroborates to other verified information, facts and evidence.
That being said, during some of my normal sleuthing forays, I discovered this video on satanic ritualism by David Icke. Before you readily dismiss it I need to ask that you instead keep the baby playing happily about in the bath water this time. There are a good many lot of researchers running all about now, and high-profile personalities, with some sincere and dedicated, and others running full divisive agendas or state-sponsored disinformation campaigns. So there is a lot to scrutinise and vet out to gather good information from possibly questionable or contaminated sources. In my opinion, this particular video clip featuring an interview with David Icke on the practises of inner-circle satanism, is probably the best breakdown of it I've heard outside of information and points I've collected and articulated on the matter myself. I meant that with all due humility, as examinations of this criminal enterprise at its core, are often superficial and wanting, often leaving more questions than answers. This video however, provides good context and a concise, but thorough consolidation of the information from a perspective that few have entertained, but many have pondered. But I'll let you be the judge however and share your own evaluations and information on the subject and clip. Don't get me wrong, when Icke wanders off into the land of reptilloid shape-shifters he's absolutely fuck all mental, and working to the service of sabotaging and ridiculing the work we all do. However, every once in a while he must add fundamental truths to his well water to masque the subtle flavour of poison.
Satanism in the real world and lurking about in the underbelly of this world, is not what is presented through the mass media. It has to do with the channelling of evil that can best be explained as Icke explained. That every day radio waves, cellular data and WiFi are all around us and running through us invisibly, yet if you have the proper device to 'tune in the frequency' you can manifest a physically tangible medium. It is much the same in satanism, or the diabolical force that exists parallel to the known world we exist in. There are some human monsters infesting our world dedicated to evil and trained in the nefarious occult mysteries of tuning into that frequency and actually bringing forth demonic entities. These entities thrive in the raucous vibrations of unchecked evil that our planet is fast degenerating into. Death, lurid sex, murder, defilement and mocking of innocence, and pain as entertainment on a stage grown global via the internet. The wicked force that was once shrinking in the shadows, now hears the orchestra queuing up its theme song and soundtrack with an audience that clamours like seals awaiting fish. Run up to frenzy by a chorus line of (s)elected, tarted-up cheerleaders and foul priests for the beast.
I can tell you from personal experience that evil is real and palpable to those sensitive enough to discern it. Animals are distinctly aware of it, as their instincts have not been bred out of them as in the case of their two-legged brethren and sistren. Once you've felt and experienced evil's presence you know it ever after. It is not urban legend, and it's not fucking Scooby Doo or Ghostbusters, for if it was so ineffectual and produced zero results, then why would the assumed "elite" roll all through it like a dog on a rotting carcass? Why would they dedicate so much time into changing this planet to their hellish vision and dedicate so many resources into its existence? You and I may not believe in a physical devil, but they've got some version of it in their address book that can be called up to party, but never leaves empty-handed. The payment is always some defilement, some wantonly sadistic and destructive dedication that's actually a two-fold win as all the participants must sink to this level.
Diabolical evil is known by many different names but the practises in the worship of demonic wickedness is remarkably the same no matter race or culture. It's always about the blood, the defilement and destruction on an innocent, the primal terrorism, and cruel mocking murder, followed by ingestions of their victims remains or life's fluids. Languages may have been borne out of the fall of Babel's tower but these horrid little operations have stayed faithful and consistent, always with the promise and gift of power or material benefit. There is a legacy to this and a history as long as there has been festering corruption and conspiratorial evil.
Satanic cults work much like Freemasonry which of course is a closed-rank cult after all. You have people who fancy arcane, occult knowledge, who gravitate close to its proximity and onto the radar of cult members ever-scouting for recruits to fill the bottom ranks. What they promise in return for obedience, loyalty and hands willing to get dirty is entry into a secret network that provides physical, material benefits to its rank and file. You've just joined a gang or an army and you're now a soldier in ranks. Membership in this does have it's benefits and units, divisions, and theatres of war. Depending on your place in the hierarchy your rewards could be that corporate position you've always desired, political office, sex on-call, drugs on-call, cars, jewellery, money, power, property, and the like. Whatever the appetite they have a flavour to entice those weak to its influence as long as you know your place and rank. You get what you desire as long as you remain a functioning loyal cog in their machine, and maybe someday you can get to meet the president's wife. Or if you're an exceptionally right nasty, but useful bastard, you can buff the knob of one of the wizards behind the curtain with the Red Shield emblazoned upon it.
The entire operation is shielded and protected from on high unless you're a Marc Dutroux, a Henry Lee Lucas or other usefully expendable little fish. Some times you do the time, protect your masters with silence and you live out your life fat and in comfort. Maybe you are even covertly released from prison, or have your execution conveniently staged? After all who's going to check? Who's going to be granted access to you. You're protected as long as you keep your mouth shut and the operations are compartmentalised if you don't, though you'll succumb to kidney failure, cancer or an inmate's shank long before there's any trial or investigation. Depending on your material ambitions you can be a Dick Cheney or Michael Aquino, or you can be a Charles Manson or a David Berkowitz.
Anyway, check out the Icke clip and always keep a sharp, open mind. Assess and sort out what is of true corroborative value, then chuck out the useless chaff and you may find a few gold nuggets amongst the detritus.