15 March, 2012

Hit the Accelerator! Das Jahr von KMFDM

Artwork by Brute, image credit to Policezombie at Deviantart

Music moves, it lives, it breathes and when it's at its best, it catalyses. It ignites the embers of people's souls slowly atrophied by servitude and dissipating dreams. It's the high octane fuel that inspires us all to transcend ourselves from the mundane and the trivialities of the material world. Music has the power to incite, the power to drive us to something larger than ourselves. Tapping into its modulating cross-frequencies, integrating the extra aural electro-stimuli with the intra synoptic impulses inherent inside ourselves. Stoking imagination and aspirations from thought, to feeling, to movement; and it is for this very reason that the most powerful and progressively influential of it is suppressed, marginalised, censored and co-opted. What remains is exsanguinated, commercially-engineered, life-dulling, corporate and intelligence approved rubbish. Horrid, cookie-cutter slop dumped into the mass consumption trough, for trained livestock. Soul-deadening products slathered with a sugary-sweet and glittering veneer, of the best that marketing dollars can buy. They have to, to cover that flavourless, generic taste, and effluence that can gag the heartiest of maggots. Music must have an organic, vital heart at its centre coupled with sincerity of feeling, and must tell a tale either lyrically or through its music, or it is simply D.O.A. and bin filler. It needs to be fluid like water and whether it's soft and tranquil, or thunderous and feral, it must move! To excite and inspire with its ever-changing flow.

Great, organic music is a good friend that is always there for you from the highest to the lowest times of your life. It never betrays, never pesters and is always there to bring to mind memories and personal milestones. Music is life, and it is also a sonic weapon of influence and potency, oft-times it is anthemic. As an example of what I mean, I'd like to share the song below with you. For I believe it is the perfect soundtrack of rage that defines the times that we the struggling masses are currently striving to survive and surmount in victory.

I listen to a diverse musical catalogue but somehow the times we live in, matched with my reaction to it does not scream symphony or contemplative piano concertos. There's a place for that, but I'm not in that place right now. I'm sorely pissed off, enraged at the affronts to my freedom and the gross threats to life and future by preening, sanctimonious demons fancying themselves as our overlords. I'm caught up in a war I didn't start, I didn't want, and have to fight it defensively every single day. The azure blue heavens are now choked with Chemtrails coke-lining the sky with ominous darkness looming on the horizon. The days may appear sunny and bright, but there's always that underlying faint whiff of oppression lingering in the atmosphere. This is what life is under occupation with fish tank freedom is, with existence managed by slavering predators afflicted with god-complexes. There is no beauty in this, it's ugliness to its very core that despises every virtue, and every fine and innocent thing.

So the landscape of war needs suitable musical accompaniment, in the form of primal rhythms that electrifies the consciousness, awakens the warrior within, and galvanises energy to action. Everyone is different, but I think that deep down in all of us that have not had it extinguished, lies this common, tribal war dance instilled in us from ancient genetic blueprints. It is a call not relegated to a specific gender by any means, as history has eternally documented ferocious women warriors determined in every aspect to defend home, neighbour and country. This is the universal fire within that we have been taught to sublimate, dismiss or unleash only in the service of false nationalism and corporate interest. Listen to KMFDM's thunder-queen valkyrie, singer Lucia Cifarelli and tell me if you think that she's doesn't exude the very words she detonates. Now that's a powerful, bona-fide warrior woman without question.

Free Your Hate (lyrics)

Silence is golden
Ignorance bliss
Better off not asking
What you'd rather forget

And as the vice grip choke holds
All of our freedoms are meeting their end
And for the wars they wage
Numberless troops lie wounded or dead

The beatings will continue
Until morale improves

Free your hate
Crusade in the days of rage
Perilous folly
Rise up against your fate
Free your hate
Crusade in the days of rage
Tireless cunning
Stampede and break your chains

Terror at gunpoint
Torture at large
Enemy combatant
Labelled a threat
Without trial or charge

Repetition of history
Messenger, prophet, martyr for god
All for once and for all
Reclaim your power
The tyrant must fall

The beatings will continue
Until morale improves

Free your hate
Crusade in the days of rage
Perilous folly
Rise up against your fate
Free your hate
Crusade in the days of rage
Tireless cunning
Stampede and break your chains

(Nixon speech sample)
I am... a revolutionary!
Violence in America today, it's not caused by the war, it's not caused by repression, there is no romantic ideal involved. Let's recognise these people for what they are… They're the same thugs and hoodlums that have always plagued the good people.

Free your hate
In the days of rage
Free your hate
In the days of rage

In the days of rage
In the days of rage

Free your hate
In the days of rage

Free your hate
Free your hate
Free your hate

In the days of rage
In the days of rage
In the days of rage
In the days of rage

The music I'm featuring in this post is from the German band KMFDM whose abbreviated band name is, Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid or, No Majority For The Pity, a rather clever rearrangement of "Kein Mitleid für die Mehrheit" or "No Pity For The Masses". If you've never heard of them, give a listen and read along with the provided lyrics which are just as bang-on as the beat ballistically propelling them. Counter to the media propaganda and lies, KMFDM's stance is anti-fascist and progressive revolutionary, and they've been around for many years with a massive inventory of songs recorded. Through their different incarnations KMFDM's core has remained uncannily solid, and they have always been stridently consistent in their driving, clever, truth-provocative anthems. In their latest re-work of their song "A Drug Against War", they have remodelled it into version called "A Drug Against Wall Street" and dedicated it on 15, October 2011 to the Occupy movement. For more information on them and their work go to their official site at http://www.kmfdm.net.

WWIII (lyrics)

I declare war on the world
War in outer space
I declare war in a nutshell
War all over the place

I declare war on every government
War against all odds
I declare war on your inner sanctum
On your blood thirsty gods

World War Three
Be all that you can be
World War Three

I declare war on the axis of morons
All out war on complacent consent
I declare war on the war against drugs
Rape and slaughter of the innocent

War on big brother
Warmongers and profiteers
War on your dogma Dubya
Armageddon's engineers

World War Three
Be all that you can be
World War Three

War in a heartbeat
I declare war on so-called civilisation
World trade globalisation
Organised disinformation

War on ambassadors of pretence
War on MTV and CNN
McDonald's, Walt Disney and Bethlehem
On Christina, Britney and Eminem

I declare war on the world of anti-choice
On violence unilaterally
On the amassment of murderous high-tech toys
And all crimes against humanity

War on the moral majority
On corporate dot-com imperialism
On mindlessly bumbling stupidity
And police-state terrorism

World War Three
World War Three - Be all that you can be
World War Three - Be all that you can be
World War Three

Hope you enjoy it and find it as inspirationally and explosively energising as I do. Hit the accelerator and play it loud!!

Cheers all.

04 March, 2012

False Flag 2012 and the Manufacturing of War

Art credit to the brilliant and venerable R. Cobb
Greetings all, although I have made my announced departure, I did promise that I would post items of a critical and vital nature if they arose. The timing may have been hard to pinpoint, but the warning has always remained impending and dire. The false flag terror-metre steadfastly on red, warning all to keep their vigilance at maximum. War and an accompanying false flag or flags are imminent, for the enemies of humanity are at a desperate cross roads and they are sprinting for the endgame finish line.
Never has the tension to provoke war(s) been so amplified than in the past weeks, with intelligence destabilisation operations running in Syria, Iran and more recently, Saudi Arabia. Due to this incessant and oft time covert game of escalation, the choking stench of war is now wafting in the wind.

Chickenhawks are doing the psychopath's war dance, and the ever-complicit media is manufacturing and regurgitating propaganda, like they were all promised cabinet positions. I guess what I'm getting at, is that all the signs are converging that Nutty-fake-jew (Netanyahu) and his criminal counterparts in Israel will be launching a suicidal assault on Iran sometime this week. Prior to this however they will be issuing marching orders and scripts directly to their government accomplices in the US, UK and Canada in particular. There WILL be a false flag launched, with Israel and the US as the prime orchestrators. Then in turn, their sights will be on Syria, Somalia and finally onto Saudi Arabia who will soon learn a nasty little lesson on making bargains with the devil. You see, the Saudi government has been historically more than a little complicit in assisting Israel and the US in destabilising the region. Never mind what they say, always examine  their actions. Honestly, I cannot believe that the Saudi government is truly that stupid, so then what exactly were they were promised to make such a self-destructive deal in the first place? One thing's for absolutely sure, is that their playmates will be turning on them like a slavering rabid dog. The man who helps the slaver will always in turn be enslaved, thus shall ever be the way of the Faustian deal.

What is most ridiculous about these new military campaigns, is just how predictable they are in their unvarying strategy. It usually runs a little something like this:
  1. Identify an opposition or group indigenous and hostile to the national government of a targeted nation. If there are none, use infiltrated intelligence operatives to actively seek and fund such groups, providing materiel and munitions. If there are none available, then contract disparate factions or criminal elements and create one; this synthetic construct is known as a pseudo-gang.
  2. Have the media begin promoting stories on this mysterious new group, creating plausible backstories and news items to promote the group as public supported freedom-fighters dedicated to fighting the corrupt regime. Further utilise media assets to strategically circulate stories of government terror and murder with images of infanticide, wholesale slaughter and assassinations. Then have "citizen" eyewitnesses (assets) come forward with media interviews and tales of atrocities to propagate disinformation and outrage.
  3. Have in-place intel operatives and assets begin committing high casualty false flag acts of bombings, sabotage and terrorism carried out by either "unknown assailants" or bad-jacket elements of a targeted foreign nation. This is to spread terror and chaos in-country, while heads of state, the UN and other agenda compliant international agencies begin a hue and outcry for military intervention. Supply contending factions with weapons and ordnance, in order to spread chaos, death and lawlessness, whilst targeting critical government infrastructures and communications.
  4. Escalate the strategy of tension and news propaganda to maximum, gauge public opinion for and against the national agenda. If citizen support for military intervention and war can be falsely galvanised, then proceedings for attack and invasion are implemented. If the support is not there, then a false flag terrorist act or acts, carried out by intelligence services is then committed domestically. Massive casualties will be incurred in concert with manufactured evidence. Assets in the targeted country will conveniently claim responsibility, or the media will advance stories of covert surveillance interceptions. Israeli intelligence and their fronts linked to them, will leak unsubstantiated reports, as well as "uncover" video allegedly from "terrorist spokespersons". Israeli intelligence will also supply manipulated field reports directly to US intelligence to misdirect and castigate parties they want surveilled or neutralised.
  5. Once the domestic false flag(s) has been executed by military and intelligence insiders, martial law will be surreptitiously made operational. The excuse will be disseminated that measure is necessary to restore order and rule of law. Most likely the false flag(s) will of nuclear or of weaponised biological nature. This will allow the spread of fear as well as provide opportunities for FEMA intervention. Consequentially, domestic dissent will be effectively outlawed, non-commercial internet communications shutdown to control information, citizens on government watch-lists will be arrested or rendered under NDAA. Under the cover of nuclear or viral contamination, watch-listed individuals and progressive groups can be detained and transported to regional detention centres under the auspices of medical quarantine. With terrified civilians captivated by fear, and  mentally terrorised with PSYOPS, they will look to the only authority in their lives. A Phoenix Project will be resurrected and citizens will be encouraged and rewarded for reporting and turning in any of their fellow countrymen who publicly oppose the war and/or criticise the government policies. So-called troublemakers or activists will be labelled terrorists and enemy combatants and have their rights summarily abrogated; to be incarcerated indefinitely under NDAA.
This is exactly what I see coming very soon, I pray it is undermined at every pass by conscientious and honourable individuals in the military and intelligence. Unfortunately, I doubt this very much however, as hope is the prayer and refuge of fools.

Cheers and Godspeed to all.